If you’re yet to drill OSR, there’s still plenty of time and a number of suitable varieties available that fit a later drilling window.
With the dry weather for the past month in southern and Eastern regions, waiting for some moisture is perfectly understandable, particularly with trials data suggesting that later sowing could in fact improve yield and development.
Number one on our list of suitable varieties is Attica. This high yielding hybrid has performed consistently on farm for the past couple of years and is listed with a gross output of 105%, right up there in the pack of leading varieties. “With a score of 8.5 for autumn vigour and a host of other traits, Attica is an ideal choice for a later sowing window,” says Florentina Petrescu, Limagrain’s new OSR Product Manager.
Thinking back to the Cereals event in June, with the United Oilseeds marquee next to NPZ’s stand, it was clear from looking at the crop plots that NPZ’s Maverick variety sown in September was looking slightly ahead of earlier sowings of the same variety.
NPZ UK Managing Director Chris Guest commented: “Our research reveals how September drilling can lead to a stronger, more uniform canopy with greater pod set and branching, with yields up to 1.5t/ha higher.
“Establishing crops in September can also reduce pest pressure by avoiding the main adult cabbage stem flea beetle migration period which we generally see in August.”
Another variety suited to a later drilling window would be old faithful DSV Duplo which is offered as sow or return.
“We have done a lot of work on late drilling and have seen some of the best results from UK farms when our varieties are drilled from the start of September onwards. High-power varieties such as Duplo should be considered which produce leaves quickly, it is also important to choose a variety with a high Phoma score because smaller plants can be more susceptible to the disease,” says Sarah Hawthorn UK Sales and Marketing Manager for DSV.
The fourth variety worth a mention for that later sowing window is DK Excentric an excellent all round performer.
Bayer National Account Manager Sarah Bebb mentions some of the many highlights for this new variety: “DK Excentric is an excellent choice for a later sowing window. It boasts rapid autumn development and vigorous establishment with a sound disease and stress tolerance package which includes pod shatter. Importantly it comes with insurance in the form an establishment scheme, so provides re-assurance for growers.”
View the technical sheets for some of the later drilled sowing options:
Attica Maverick Duplo DK Excentric
To view all OSR varieties in the portfolio this year click here.
Please note: We are usually able to access most varieties even if they don't appear in our portfolio. Please speak to your area manager or contact the head office team for enquiries of this nature.