The Best Quality Seed from the Top Seed Breeders
United Oilseeds has a 30% share of the UK oilseed rape seed market. Our extensive seed portfolio means that we have the right variety to meet the specific needs of each individual grower no matter where you farm or what your farm's soil type.
There is a wide choice of OSR seed varities detailed on the AHDB's Recommended List, as well as many other non-recommended varieties. With so many varieties available, making the correct seed choice can often be rather challenging.
Our aim at United Oilseeds is to tailor the correct variety selection to maximise yield and performance potential on your farm.
Whether spring or winter drilled, hybrid, conventional or semi-dwarf, it is essential to give careful consideration to each variety's agronomic characteristics and to match these to your soil and climatic conditions.
Our experience and independence ensures, as your local farming co-operative, that you receive the best advice on varietal selection and seed treatments. And with a range of pricing and payment terms to suit your individual needs, we are sure to have the right cropping options for your enterprise.
Due to our extensive expertise and success, United Oilseeds enjoys close working relationships with all the major plant breeders. Our large trading volume ensures that our members have access to the best varieties at the most competitive prices.
This strength extends to Linseed, Pulse and Oat seed which can be linked to specific buy back contracts and ensures our members have access to the best varieties, again at competitive prices.
Wherever possible United Oilseeds produces and processes its own supply of seed crops. We also carry out our own independent inspections to ensure that each crop meets the very highest standards.
By paying this much attention to detail, you can be confident that the seed from United Oilseeds is with no compromise the highest quality available.

Winter Oilseed Rape
United Oilseeds has an extensive WOSR seed portfolio that features the very best seed varieties from the top seed breeders. Whether your requirements are for conventional, hybrid, clubroot, HEAR or HOLL, we will source the ideal variety for your farm and local conditions.
View seed varietiesSpring Oilseed Rape
Whatever your farms individial requirements, United Oilseeds has the right variety of spring oilseed rape for you.
View seed varieties
Contact us today on 01380 732308 for a seed quote, to discuss your seed requirements or for some help & advice.