CSFB and Cover & Companion Crops - Help Support NIAB# Evaluation

Posted: 8 May

United Oilseed is a stakeholder in the NIAB project looking at CSFB.

Last year NIAB picked up some interesting information from the stem larval counts relating to catch cropping and the use of more diverse companion crops and how this affected egg laying later in the autumn . 

To take this further they have a strand of work this year looking at cover crops and companion crops, specifically trying to provide an appropriate and attractive alternative option in which the CSFB's  will lay their eggs.  

They will test this by: 

1. Monitoring small patches of rape placed in over-winter cover crops and 

2. Monitoring small patches of more diverse companion crops placed in commercial rape.

If any members are thinking about doing this anyway and would like to participate and especially have the technique evaluated by NIAB on their own farm, then please  contact [email protected]